<;p>;The invention relates to a two-part water bowl with magnetic plates for pets, comprising two bowls (1, 2) that can receive different volumes of water, as well as two magnetic plates (3, 4) of different areas, such that the ratio of the areas of the magnetic plates (3, 4) is equal to the ratio of the volumes of the water received within the two bowls (1, 2). The bowl (1) and the bowl (2) are detachably connected by a groove (5) carried out between the bowl (1) and the bowl (2). The magnetic plates (3, 4) are placed in the space (15) formed between the bottom (6) of the bowl (2) and the bottom (11) of the bowl (1) so that the magnetic plates (3, 4) are not in contact with water when the bowl (1) or the bowl (2) is filled with water.<;/p>;<;p>;Pronalazak se odnosi na dvodelnu posudu za vodu za kućne ljubimce sa magnetnim pločicama, u čijem sastavu se nalaze dve posude (1, 2) koje primaju različite zapremine vode, kao i dve magnetne pločice (3, 4) različitih površina i to tako da je odnos površina magnetnih pločica jednak odnosu zapremina (7, 8) vode koje primaju dve posude (1, 2). Posuda (1) i posuda (2) za vodu su razdvojivo vezane žlebom (5), izvedenim između posude (1) i posude (2) za vodu. Magnetne pločice (3, 4) smeštene su u prostoru (15), koji je formiran između dna (6) posude (2) za vodu i dna (11) posude (1) za vodu, i to tako da magnetne pločice (3, 4) ne dolaze u kontakt sa vodom kada ja posuda (1) ili posuda (2) ispunjena vodom.<;/p>;