Белов Леонид Павлович (RU),Бондин Виктор Иванович (RU),Кольцов Сергей Валентинович (RU),Малышева Светлана Владимировна (RU),Яковенко Виталий Петрович (RU)
The device has a solid base which serves as a support for the arms, and a dielectric movable part, between which a ferroelectric generator of segnetopezogeneratornyh micromodules and pads, reinforced on the surface of the movable portion and connected to the conductors with the poles of the ferroelectric assemblies solid base is designed as a shaft, and the movable the handle part in the form of an elastic nonconductive material with recesses (grooves) for the fingers, which are located contact pads.Furthermore, its outer surface is covered with the substrate magnitofornym layer of material on the new technology (RF patent №2214843, 2251534, 2262361) with a specific orientation of the magnetic fields in the working zone beneath the recesses fingers, massaging and acupressure protrusions magnitofornogo layer made with perforations under massaging protrusions of the conductive layer, the corresponding elements, which skommutirovanny with positive or negative outputs of the piezo-generator unit have microperforations in each projection, as well as the ma gnitoforny and conductive layers with micro-holes in the projections form a porous surface active absorbency improving the conductivity in the region of reflex zones "gel permeation" ( "Body shaping-machine gel" the instrument "Galvanizer 100 11 ion-negative ion or positive charges" development company " New Website ").The apparatus enables the simultaneous execution of movements combine physical therapy and exercise with stimulation of the reflex points of the hands.Устройство имеет твердое основание, служащее опорой для рук, и диэлектрическую подвижную часть, между которыми расположен сегнетоэлектрический генератор из сегнетопьезогенераторных микромодулей, и контактные площадки, укрепленные на поверхности подвижной части и соединенные проводниками с полюсами сегнетоэлектрических сборок, твердое основание выполнено в виде древка, а подвижная часть в виде рукоятки из эластичного непроводящего материала с углублениями (