The invention relates to a class of emitting electro-optical devices which may be used for the beneficial effects of thermal radiation of the visible spectrum on living organisms and biological objects-on man, animals, plants, on products, materials and objects of biological origin - for food, raw materials for the food industry, agricultural seed material, microorganism strains and so forth. The use of utility model aims to improve the biological activity and harmonization of the vital processes in living organisms and biological objects, in the case of a man that goal - improving the physical and psychological recovery and health promotion at the expense of stimulation not as active life processes taking place. In this apparatus arrangement infrared LEDs, red and blue light emission spectra is organized as follows: a light emission spectrum of the LEDs are distributed on the working surface of the device - he mounting matrix - symmetrically and uniformly periodic, having a period between a certain area. And these gaps are placed LEDs other light emission spectra. Those. location in the area of the circuit matrix of different emission spectra of LEDs arranged periodically on the basis of close to a checkerboard pattern. During time intervals and interleaving the glow mode 3 different light emitting groups - infrared, red and blue - held mode frequency is constant and the successive flashes of different groups of LEDs in the above sequence and duration of such periods can vary - controlled via the control unit device. In this period active light emitting LEDs of one group coincides with the termination of the emission periods of two other groups of LEDs. And this alternation is strictly measured periods of time in a clear sequence object light influence exposed to the light of only one of the radiation spectrum of the same type of sources, may continue the necessary time during which happens the desired number of cycles of alternating periods of active radiation a