The invention relates to a dynamic ankle orthosis meant for patients suffering from drop foot, in order to allow them to improve the walking, as close as possible to the normal one, and to contribute to the rehabilitation of the lower limb, the adopted constructive solution providing the orthosis with high reliability and the possibility to make it at reduced manufacturing costs. According to the invention, the orthosis comprises a functional assembly consisting of a foot bracelet (A) and a shoe sub-assembly (B) linked through a set of straps (C) and a dorsal structure (D) provided with a pneumatic cylinder which, during walking, while the foot is lifted off the soil, maintains it in an equilibrium position, in which it is approximately perpendicular on the shank, after which, when the lower limb reaches the ground, it supports the foot so that it contacts the ground with the heel and the sole is lowered gently and without the risk of twisting the ankle, even if the ground is uneven, and subsequently, when the lower limb leaves the ground, it helps in lifting first the heel and then the tip of the foot, by means of the forces developed by a special pneumatic cylinder the dorsal structure is provided with, in order to return to the said equilibrium.Invenţia se referă la o orteză dinamică pentru gleznă, destinată pacienţilor cu picior căzut, care să le permită îmbunătăţirea mersului, apropiindu-l de cel normal, şi să contribuie la reabilitarea membrului inferior, soluţia constructivă adoptată asigurându-i ortezei fiabilitate ridicată şi posibilitatea realizării ei cu cheltuieli de fabricaţie reduse. Orteza conform invenţiei este constituită dintr-un ansamblu funcţional, compus dintr-o brăţară (A) şi un subansamblu (B) pantof, legate printr-un set (C) de curele, şi o structură (D) dorsală prevăzută cu un cilindru pneumatic, care, în timpul mersului, atunci când piciorul este ridicat de pe sol, menţine piciorul într-o poziţie de echilibru, în care acesta este aproxi