In one embodiment, the present invention provides a (ARTA) androgen receptor targeting agents. Drug to determine the subclass novel selective androgen receptor modulators (SARM) compound. The SARM compounds of multiple, that it has a non-steroidal ligand for the androgen receptor, the anabolic activity and androgenic activity can not be expected was found. The SARM compounds of another, to have anti-androgenic activity can not be expected of a nonsteroidal ligand for the androgen receptor have been found. It can also be used as a component to be used alone, as related androgen decline contraception a) male, in b) older male (ADAM), treatment of hormone-related conditions of multiple, SARM compounds are, for example, change depression, decreased libido, reproductive dysfunction, impotence, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, hair loss, anemia, obesity, sarcopenia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and mood recognition, and prostate cancer, treatment of conditions related to c) ADIF, for example, changes in reproductive dysfunction, decreased libido, hypogonadism, sarcopenia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and mood recognition, anemia, alopecia obesity, endometriosis, breast cancer , uterine cancer, and g) prostate treatment and / or prevention treatment and / or prevention of muscle wasting disorders of chronic ovarian cancer, and d) acute and / or e) The dry eye, and f) oral androgen replacement therapy, and / or reduction of cancer development, or are useful for the execution or interruption of prostate cancer regression.一実施例では、本発明は、アンドロゲンレセプタ標的薬剤(ARTA)を提供する。薬剤は選択的アンドロゲンレセプタ修飾因子(SARM)化合物の新規なサブクラスを定める。複数のSARM化合物は、アンドロゲンレセプタのための非ステロイド性リガンドの、予想出来ないアンドロゲン活性及びタンパク同化活性を有することが解った。別のSARM化合物は、アンドロゲンレセプタのための非ステロイド性リガンドの予想できない抗アンドロゲン活性を有することが解った。それらSARM化合物は、単独で用いられても成分として用いられても、a)男性の避妊、b)高齢男性におけるアンドロゲン減少(ADAM)に関連するような、複数のホルモン関連コンディションの治療、例えば、うつ病、性欲減退、生殖機能不全、インポテンツ、性腺機能低下症、骨粗鬆症、脱毛症、貧血、肥満、サルコペニア、骨減少症、オステオポローシス、前立腺肥大症、認識及び気分の変化、及び前立腺癌、c)ADIFに関連するコンディションの治療、例えば、生殖機能不全、性欲