Three-section game simulator for group exercises to restore the motor functions of the hands and intellectual activity in patients of a neurological clinic
The utility model “Three-section gaming simulator for group exercises on restoring the motor functions of the hands and intellectual activity in patients of a neurological clinic” refers to medicine in the section of neurology and neuropsychology and can be used in neurorehabilitation departments of neurological and neurosurgical clinics when conducting group exercises for the simultaneous restoration of motor functions hands and intellectual activity in patients of a neurological clinic with organic lesions vnogo brain various etiologies.The utility model contains a base made of plastic, consisting of three identical flat sections (1) of rectangular shape, located at the same angles with respect to each other, on both surfaces of each of which are made the same square cell-recesses (2), which are located the same in vertical rows, each of which contains the same number of recess cells (2); in this case, the recess cells (2) are separated from each other and from the edges of the sections (1) by jumpers (3) of the same width, and the number and location of the recess cells (2) on each surface of each section (1) are the same.Thus, the “Game three-section simulator” is a new original device that allows conducting group exercises to simultaneously restore the motor functions of the hands and intellectual activity with a wide range of patients in a neurological clinic, including patients with impaired fine motor skills and the presence of hand tremor.The declared “Game three-section simulator” introduces an element of novelty into the process of rehabilitation classes with patients, turning them into an interesting and attractive neuropsychological training for patients.Полезная модель «Игровой трехсекционный тренажер для групповых занятий по восстановлению двигательных функций рук и интеллектуальной деятельности у больных неврологической клиники» относится к медицине к разделу неврологии и нейропсихологии и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации невроло