1. A device for producing dental impressions, comprising the impression material, characterized in something as impression material holds the elastic device in the form shaper elementa.- elastic shaping element is horseshoe-shaped, - the elastic mold member is formed with a neck and an annular seal - elastic mold member is filled with bulk molding material, for example, talc, - a flexible mold member mounted housing with the filter element, to direct dotvrascheniya rashes particulate molding material to create a vacuum, - in the housing with a filter element, a check valve to prevent depressurization of the elastic mold elementa- into the housing with the filter element, a check valve seat administered, for landing a check valve to create a vacuum, - a housing with a filter element , a check valve seat inserted plug, to avoid loss of the check valve korpusa.- introduced to create the primary and secondary vacuum with a vacuum pump D duktorom.2. Method of using the device for producing dental impressions by means of an impression spoon and the impression material, characterized in that something is introduced into the impression material as the elastic mold member filled bulk molding material with vacuum uprochneniem.3. A method according to claim 2, characterized in that during the preparation of dental impressions are corrected external and internal surface molds on elastic elementu.4 shaper. A method according to claim 2, characterized in that for the occlusal surface1. Устройство для получения слепков зубов, содержащее слепочный материал, отличающееся тем, что- в качестве слепочного материала выполнено устройство в виде эластичного формообразующего элемента.- эластичный формообразующий элемент выполнен подковообразной формы,- эластичный формообразующий элемент выполнен с горловиной и с кольцеобразным уплотнением,- эластичный формообразующий элемент наполнен сыпучим формовочным материалом, например, тальком,- в эластичный формообразующий элемент установлен корпус