agricultural machine operationally operating in the compacted wheeled sprayer area in general the invention deals with agricultural machine operationally operating in the compacted wheeled sprayer area in general, aiming to ensure the use of this area in only one operation that decompresses, destroys and incorporates seeds, providing a number of advantages in various aspects. The invention comprises a reinforced chassis structure (1) with a 3-point hitch for the tractor, characterized by: means enabling tool adjustment offsets (a), (b) and (c)? respectively, of the decompressor modules (2), the seed distributor modules (4) associated with the destroying modules (6) and the central drive wheel (5) - incorporated and rigidly consolidated in the accomplishment of the said single task, structurally and operationally adapting the implement to sprayer tracks; have adjustable ratchet (2), grooving rod modules (2) with swiveling (3) depth limiting wheel assemblies (3); have seed distributor modules (4), adjustable (b), operatively associated with central drive wheel (5), adjustable (c) and tiltable (e); and to have later (6), adjustable (b) and swivel (f) later destroying modules, further said as seed incorporators.resumo máquina agrícola operacionalmente atuante na área compactada por rodado de pulverizadores em geral a invenção trata de máquina agrícola operacionalmente atuante na área compactada por rodado de pulverizadores em geral, objetivando garantir o aproveitamento dessa área em apenas uma operação que descompacta, destorroa e incorpora sementes, proporcionando uma série de vantagens sob os mais diversos aspectos. a invençãocompreendeestrutura de chassi reforçado (1) com engate de 3 pontos para o trator, sendo caracterizada por: meios viabilizadores de deslocamentos de ajuste (a), (b) e (c) das ferramentas ? respectivamente, dos módulo descompactadores (2), dos módulos distribuidores de sementes (4) associados aos módulos destorroadores (6) e roda central acionador