1. A method of infusion into a blood infusion solution saturated with dioxygen, which is extracted from an elastic plastic container having a corrugated form bottle neck or port in the packet with the port on its side surface, installed in a holder attached to a tripod, which is located under the cap, associated with the load involving the use of a container connected to the shut-off valve having a float chamber with a valve seat located in the bottom thereof, and a float with a locking element arranged CH zu and infusion system comprising a transparent drip and a flexible tube with a choke, characterized in that the container shutoff valve and the area of the infusion system, located between the entrance to the flexible drip and throttle pressure is maintained above atmospheric pressure at least 15 Paskaley.2. Infusion solution containing dioxygen, specially designed for use in the method of claim 1, extracted from a flexible plastic container having the form of corrugated bottle with a port in the neck or the packet with the port on its side surface, which is mounted in the attachment to a support holder located under a cap, connected with the load, and communicates with a shut-off valve having a float chamber with a valve seat located in the bottom thereof, and a float with a locking element located on the bottom y, as well as with an infusion system comprising a transparent and flexible IV tube by a throttle, characterized in that it is saturated with dioxygen at a pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure at least 151. Способ вливания в кровь инфузионного раствора, насыщенного дикислородом, который извлекают из эластичного пластикового контейнера, имеющего вид гофрированной бутылки с портом в горлышке или пакета с портом на его боковой поверхности, установленного в прикрепленном к штативу держателе, расположенном под колпаком, связанным с грузом, предусматривающий использование подсоединенного к контейнеру отсекающего клапана, имеющего поплавковую камеру с седл