The bone or sclerite, or operation instrument, the equipment or in plant the surgery the device and the manner which are manipulated operation. The 2nd aim element where the aforementioned device, A) the medial axis (6), the rear end (3), the cylindrical component which possesses the Tip (4) and length L2 (2) and B) in the aforementioned medial axis (6) and the same axis is locked in the aforementioned cylindrical component (2) and the 1st center (46) the 1st aim element which it possesses (7) is, the aforementioned 1st aim element (7) the aforementioned cylindrical component (2) is laid out on the aforementioned 1st center (46) from the aforementioned rear end (3) in distance, A1>0 C) 2nd center (45) possesses (5) and,Implication and the - aforementioned 2nd aim element (5) can be locked be able to maintain the - aforementioned 2nd aim element (5), in the aforementioned medial axis (6) and the same axis, from the aforementioned rear end (3) the aforementioned 2nd center (45) putting in distance A20において前記棒状部材(2)上に配置され、C)第2の中心(45)を有する第2の照準要素(5)と、を含み、-前記第2の照準要素(5)は、前記後端部(3)から距離A2