1. moisture meter for measuring the moisture content of a patient, comprising: a measuring unit for measuring the moisture retained by the armpit of the patient, the patient to measure the amount of moisture when in contact with the underarm skin surface, a measuring unit for measuring the patients temperature and the ambient humidity ivychislitelny unit which receives amount of moisture from the patients measuring unit for measuring moisture, the temperature setpoint on ball wet bulb (WBGT) from the relationship between temperature and rh capacity from the measuring unit determines the risk of thermal shock parameter by referring to the table of the relations between the amount of moisture of the patient and the value on ball wet bulb temperature (WBGT) .2. Meter according to claim 1, comprising: a main housing portion, the fixing unit for attaching the measuring unit, which is disposed on one end of the main housing unit holds a measuring unit for measuring moisture and inserted in the middle of the armpit, the fixing unit for fixing the display unit, which is arranged at the other end of the main housing unit holds the display unit and displays a measured amount of moisture of the patient and risk of thermal shock parameter, wherein the measuring unit is connected to the other end of the armature core pusnogo unit by electrical provodki.3. Meter according to claim 2, comprising: a main housing portion, the fixing unit for attaching the measuring unit, which is disposed on one end of the main housing unit holds a measuring unit for measuring moisture and inserted in the middle of the armpit, the fixing unit for prikrep1. Измеритель влаги для измерения влагосодержания пациента, содержащий:измерительный блок для измерения влаги, удерживаемый подмышкой пациента, для измерения количества влаги пациента при нахождении в контакте с поверхностью кожи подмышкиизмерительный блок для измерения температуры и влажности окружающей среды пациента ивычислительный блок, который п