Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are well recognized technologies to allow couples or individuals with a desire for pregnancy to achieve their goals. ART is a group of technologies which may include but is not limited to in vitro fertilization; donor insemination; embryo, sperm or oocyte cryopreservation; embryo, sperm or oocyte thawing; embryo, sperm or oocyte transfer into the uterus of a recipient; isolation, preparation and transportation of sperm cells, eggs and embryos for later use; intracytoplasmic insemination; genetic studies and surrogacy. This invention is directed toward an assisted reproductive technology media incorporating one or more antiviral compounds or medicines, and more specifically relates to such media incorporating one or more antiviral compounds or medicines directed to the HHV-6A virus, the HHV-6B virus or other viruses which are members of the Human Herpesvirus group.