This invention regards the injection device (101) the sleeve of for the sake of (14). The injection device (101), the outer part flange (13) the container which it possesses (11) it has. The aforementioned sleeve (14), when the aforementioned container (11) is received the aforementioned sleeve (14) once, the flange outside the description above (13) one diameter direction inside salient in order to try to stop moving to proximity (20) it has the aforementioned sleeve (14) vis-a-vis. The aforementioned sleeve (14), one longitudinal direction inside salient (15) furthermore it has. The longitudinal direction inside salient (15), the aforementioned diameter direction inside salient (20) from distal (2036) the flange outside the extending being present and the description above (13) it is something in order to restrict the movement of diameter direction. The aforementioned diameter direction inside salient (20) and the aforementioned longitudinal direction inside salient (15), the aforementioned sleeve (14) the longitudinal direction leg section which is connected (19) it is provided on the deformation possible bridge (18) by. The deformation possible bridge (18) with, when the aforementioned diameter direction inside salient (20) it can add distal (2036) pressure on, when outside, the aforementioned diameter direction inside salient (20) it can add proximal pressure on, inside, the aforementioned longitudinal direction leg section (19) deflecting the diameter direction becomes possible. In addition as for this invention, the sleeve such as that (14) the injection device which it has (101) it regards.本発明は、注射装置(101)ためのスリーブ(14)に関する。注射装置(101)は、外側フランジ(13)を有する容器(11)を備える。前記スリーブ(14)は、ひとたび前記容器(11)が前記スリーブ(14)に受容されると、前記スリーブ(14)に対して前記外側フランジ(13)が近位に動かなくなるようにするための1つの径方向内側突出部(20)を備える。前記スリーブ(14)は、1つの長手方向内側突出部(15)をさらに備える。長手方向内側突出部(15)は、前記径方向内側突出部(20)から遠位に延在し、前記外側フランジ(13)の径方向の動きを制限するためのものである。前記径方向内側突出部(20)および前記長手方向内側突出部(15)は、変形可能ブリッジ(18)によって前記スリーブ(14)に連結される長手方向脚部(19)上に設けられる。変形可能ブリッジ(18