the invention provides a method of determining parameters of the physical object (3) zobrazowanego ct computer, especially for determining the absolute parameters of physical and \/ or x-ray radiation absorption coefficient, with thethe model (2) set of physical parameters is installed between the source (4) of x-ray radiation and the detector (1) or preferably directly on the detector (1), outside the rotary platform on ct scan, which placed scanned object (3), then carried out the process of scanning objectduring which images are recorded simultaneously, two-dimensional image projection tomograficznych test object and a two-dimensional image wzornika, with at least one projection for the at least one area of wzornika read intensity of gray image in one stkach relative by reading image projection pixel values.which in gray scale intensity reflects the x-ray radiation after passing through the scanner and model, and on the basis of the results obtained is calculated coefficients calibration function, positive linear regression, then to bring calibration function and as the variable value determined by the image projection of pixel values.which in gray scale intensity reflects the x-ray radiation after passing through the scanner and the scanned object and calculated value calibration function representing the value parameter and physical records, preferably in the same pikselu in projection, after which the dl and so the designated projection is carried out cad reconstruction imagethe result shows the absolute value scale distribution measured physical parameter. the invention also provides a system for the application of this method.Istotę wynalazku stanowi sposób ustalania parametrów fizycznych obiektu (3) zobrazowanego tomografem komputerowym, zwłaszcza ustalania bezwzględnych parametrów gęstości fizycznej i/lub współczynnika absorpcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego, charakteryzujący się tym, że wzornik (2) ustalanych parametrów fizycznych instaluje się pomiędzy