The object of providing a device for reversibly attachingan implant to an eye, with which the implant can beattached in a simple way to the eye and can if necessarybe detached or removed from the eye, is achieved througha device for attaching an implant by means of a pin thathas a substantially elongated shaft, wherein the implantincludes an implant film for contacting living tissue ornerves in the visual system of the eye and the implantfilm has an opening through which the shaft of the pincan be at least partially inserted, characterised in thatthe device includes a holding element that can bearranged on the shaft of the pin so that the holdingelement engages on the shaft of the pin and is fixed inan attachment position to the pin. The implant is on theone hand reliably attached, but can be released againfrom the retina by removing the holding element orretainer, wherein the pin anchored in the eye does nothave to be removed.