Vostrikov Vjacheslav Valerevich,Востриков Вячеслав Валерьевич,Indjushkina Tatjana Nikolaevna,Индюшкина Татьяна Николаевна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to gynaecology. Treatment consists of two stages. First stage is carried out before entry into the therapeutic cycle and involves sampling, freezing and storage of autoplasma, herewith within the period from 12 months to 30 days before entry of the patient into the therapeutic cycle. 3-4 plasmapheresis sessions are performed. After exfusion the blood taken from the median cubital vein is centrifuged in a cold centrifuge. Corpuscles are returned to the patient, and the obtained autoplasma is frozen at the temperature of -40 °C, herewith the volume of the taken blood per one session of plasmapheresis is 250-300 ml in patients with the weight up to 55 kg and 400-500 ml in patients with the weight over 55 kg, with an interval between sessions of not less than 7 days. Second stage is used as per the fact of diagnostics of the ovary hyperstimulation syndrome, previously prepared frozen autoplasma is thawed and its infusion is done not later than 1 hour after the thawing using a sterile infusion system for infusion solutions with a filter for 170-200 mcm and an air valve.EFFECT: method enables preventing developing multiple organ failure by restoring the volume of circulating plasma elimination of hemoconcentration, electrolyte imbalance, prevention of acute renal insufficiency and thromboembolic complications, reducing the length of treatment of ovary hyperstimulation syndrome and reducing the rate of adverse reactions.1 cl, 5 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к гинекологии. Лечение состоит из двух этапов. Первый этап осуществляют до вступления в лечебный цикл и он включает забор, заморозку и хранение аутоплазмы, при этом в срок от 12 месяцев до 30 дней накануне вступления пациентки в лечебный цикл. Проводят 3-4 сеанса плазмафереза. После эксфузии забранную из локтевой вены кровь центрифугируют в рефрижераторной центрифуге. Форменные элементы возвращают пациентке, а полученную аутоплазму зам