Adjustable pnevmoakusticheskoe spraying device intended for use in the multipurpose aerosol generator series MAG to generate monodisperse clouds from the process liquid solution of high low-temperature air stream and can be used: for applying fertilizers and plant protection from disease, control of plant pests, chemical weeding of crops for killing unwanted woody shrubs and the transmission line, over oil and gas pipelines, for sanitization of various objects. The invention solves the problem of increasing the efficiency of pest control of crops during chemical treatments while reducing the level of pollution of the biosphere. The problem is solved by implementing the operating modes with lower compressed air pressure and controlling the fluid gap between the resonator and the seat cavity by changing command air pressure, while the volume change of the resonating cavity resonator Galton depending on compressed air and the change in the distance from the resonator to the critical section pnevmokanala pressure. The technical result of the invention is to obtain a monodisperse cloud from solutions of physiologically active substances over a wide range of process fluid over a wide range of costs velocity atomizing agent adjustably aerosol particle size remote control to increase and improve quality of atomization performance MAG. 1 SP f BACKGROUND ZP 1 f ly-1-yl.Регулируемое пневмоакустическое распылительное устройство предназначено для использования в составе многоцелевого аэрозольного генератора серии МАГ с целью генерирования монодисперсного облака из раствора технологической жидкости высокоскоростным низкотемпературным воздушным потоком и может быть использовано: для внесения удобрений, защиты растений от болезней, борьбы с вредителями растений, химической прополки посевов для уничтожения нежелательной древесной и кустарниковой растительности под линиями электропередач, над газопроводами и нефтепроводами, для санитарной обработки различных объектов. Предлагаемое из