A method for recognizing wheeze in lung sounds is provided to detect occurrence of wheeze from an asthmatic. First, a lung sound signal within a specific period is acquired. Subsequently, real respiratory time within the specific period is calculated. The lung sound signal is divided into a plurality of acoustic segments. The acoustic segments are transformed into frequency spectrums, correspondingly. Each of the correlation-coefficients of the frequency spectrums between two adjacent acoustic segments is calculated. The correlation-coefficients are compared with a predetermined value to determine duration time of wheeze. Finally, the ratio of the duration time of wheeze to the real respiratory time is calculated. If the ratio exceeds a critical value, asthmatic attack is recognized.一種哮鳴音偵測方法,包括:於一段特定時間長度內量測肺部之一聲波訊號;計算前述特定時間長度內之實際呼吸時間長度;將前述聲波訊號分割成複數個片段音訊,並且將這些片段音訊分別轉換成對應的頻譜資料;計算出相鄰片段音訊所對應頻譜資料間的相關係數;判斷前述相關係數是否大於一預設值,以得知哮鳴音發生的時間長度;以及,判斷哮鳴音發生的時間長度在實際呼吸時間長度中所佔的比例是否超過一臨界值,以判定是否為氣喘發作。步驟‧‧‧S10~S70