The present invention is to develop novel fermented kimchi using mustard leaves, wherein the development of the fermented food is achieved by salting vegetable mustard leaves, which grow in winter on the southern coast of Korea, with seawater, and then mixing the salted mustard leaves with 1:1:1 of vinegar, sugar, and soybean sauce. Therefore, the vegetables locally produced are processed, thereby providing foods through the safe distribution and boosting farmers&prime incomes the vinegar and sugar are used, and thus the vinegar and sugar perform an antibacterial function, so the fermented food can be easily stored at even normal temperature and maintain a crunch texture and folic acid, which is the main nutrient of the mustard leaves, is not destroyed, thereby attaining efficacy of folic acid, such as growth and development, and the prevention of anemia, stroke, and cancer.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 우리나라 남해안에서 겨울철 자라는 채소류 갓을 이용 바닷물로 염장하고 식초,설탕,간장을 1:1:1로 배합한 발효식품 개발로 현지에서 생산된 채소류를 가공하여 유통 안전한 먹거리 제공 및 농가의 소득을 증대코자 하며, 식초와 설탕을 사용하므로 항균작용을 하여 상온에서도 보관이 쉽고 아삭한 식감을 유지하여 갓의 주 영양소 엽산을 파괴하지 않아 엽산의 효능 성장발육, 빈혈예방, 뇌졸증예방,암예방 을 위하여 갓을 이용한 새로운 발효김치를 개발