The signal notification device for clothing is disclosed. The signal notification device gets wet and in the absorptive product where the sensor is installed the installation and others re ru. Concretely, as for the signal notification device, when the conductive liquid is inspected inside the absorptive product, in order to give out signal such as audible signal and/or visible signal, it is constituted. According to this invention, as for the signal notification device, displeasure when installing in order that you hold down to minimum, in order to fit to the part where the back section of the wearing person is constricted, it is designed on the basis of the human engineering data. In addition as for the signal notification device, displeasure when installing as you hold down to minimum, it is possible to produce from the various materials which can protect the internal part of the said device.< Selective figure >Figure 5衣服用の信号通知装置が開示される。信号通知装置は、濡れセンサが設置された吸収性製品に取り付けられる。具体的には、信号通知装置は、吸収性製品内に導電性液体が検知されたときに可聴信号及び/または可視信号等の信号を発するように構成される。本発明によれば、信号通知装置は、装着時の不快さを最小限に抑えるべく、着用者の背部のくびれた部分にフィットするように、人間工学的データに基づいてデザインされる。信号通知装置はまた、装着時の不快さを最小限に抑えるとともに、該装置の内部部品を保護することができる種々の材料から作製することができる。【選択図】図5