The present invention relates to a method to manufacture Jjamppong Gamja-tang by using a Jjamppong sauce with water-soluble Aquamin, capable of improving the flavor of Gamja-tang by applying a Jjamppong taste to Gamja-tang. To achieve the purpose, the method includes: a pork backbone preparing step (ST1-1) of cutting a pork backbone and removing blood from the backbone after soaking the backbone in water for 120-180 minutes a pork backbone washing step (ST1-2) of boiling the prepared backbone in water for 30-45 minutes, and then, washing the boiled backbone in cold water a refrigerating and aging step (ST1-3) of applying a keto acid solution to the washed backbone and aging the backbone in a refrigeration condition for 60-90 minutes to make the solution permeate the backbone a pork backbone cooking step (ST1-4) of adding water and seasonings to the pork backbone, and then, boiling the backbone at medium heat for 120-150 minutes a separating step (ST1-5) of separating the pork backbone from meat broth a water-soluble Aquamin powder manufacturing step (ST2-1) of manufacturing water-soluble Aquamin powder by completely dehydrating and grinding Lithothamnium calcareum through an ultrafine grinder a water-soluble Aquamin Jjamppong sauce manufacturing step (ST2) of weighing the water-soluble Aquamin powder, vegetables, and seafood, and then, refrigerating and aging the weighed ingredients and a Jjamppong broth manufacturing step (ST3) of manufacturing jjamppong broth by adding potable water and the sauce to the ingredients and heating the ingredients at 100-120°C for five to six minutes.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017본 발명은 수용성 아쿠아민이 첨가된 짬뽕소스를 이용한 짬뽕 감자탕 제조방법에 관한 것으로서. 짬뽕소스 첨가재료로 천연칼슘이 풍부한 수용성 아쿠아민을 첨가하여 입안의 젓산을 중화하여 충치를 예방하고 중금속함량이 매우 낮아 근래 중금속 오염물제로 심각한 논란이 제기되고 있는 타 칼슘제보다 안정적인 칼슘의 공급원이 된다. 특히 짬뽕의 맛을 감자탕에 적용하여 감자탕 맛의 풍미를 더욱 높일 수 있다.이를 실현하기 위한 본 발명은 25~30kg의 돼지등뼈를 일정 크기(15~20cm)로 절단하고 120분~180분 가량 찬물에 침수 후 나오는 핏물을 제거하는 돼지등뼈 준비단계와(ST1-1) 상기 준비되어진 돼지뼈에 돼지뼈가 완전히 침수되는 일정량의 물을 부어 30~45