The invention relates to a massage device (1)comprising at least one massage section (2) withan essentially cylindrical rubber-elastic outersheath (3), with at least one electromotive drive(4) arranged in the massage device (1) andnon-rotatably mounted therein, and with a device (5)arranged in the massage section (2) andnon-rotatably mounted therein for generating deformations ofthe rubber-elastic outer sheath (3), wherein thedevice (5) comprises a multitude of plunger guides(7) extending radially to the massage section (2)and supporting plungers (8) therein, and a camshaft connected with the electromotive drive (4)and acting on the ends of the plungers (8) facingaway from the rubber-elastic outer sheath (3),thereby the plungers (8) being radially movedtowards the massage section (2), and wherein therubber-elastic outer sheath (3) is connected withthe ends of the plungers (8) of the rubber-elasticouter sheath (3) facing towards the rubber-elasticouter sheath (3). As an alternative to theplungers, eccentric wheels (29) with roller wheels (31)supported on eccentric bearing pins (30) may beused.