Water separator for continuous separation of water,air and particles, said separator comprising an inletpipe (18) for receipt of a mixture of water, air andparticles simultaneously from several sources suchas dental surgeons etc. an outlet pipe (22) beingconnected to a suction motor (23), an upperchamber (2) being connected with a lower chamber(3) by a valve (17) in the bottom of the upperchamber (2), the lower chamber (3) normally beingclosed by a check valve (8) in the bottom, athree-way valve (24) located in an air connection pipe(20) being adapted to establish a connectionbetween the upper (2) and lower (3) chambers in afirst position and closing said connection to theupper chamber and allowing atmospheric air toenter into the lower chamber (3) in a secondposition, and the upper chamber (2) comprising acoarse filter (4) capturing particles from the liquidflow to the lower chamber (3), where the waterseparator comprises two tanks, a main tank (1) anda safety tank (11), which are connected through aconnection pipe (19) from the upper chamber (2) inthe main tank (1) to the safety tank (11) andthrough the air connection pipe (20) from the towerchamber (3) in the main tank to the safety tank (11),that the inlet pipe (18) is through the lid of the maintank (1), that the outlet pipe (22) is through the lidor the safety tank (11), and the safety tank (11)normally being closed by a check valve (15) in thebottom.Water separator for continuous separation of water,air and particles, said separator comprising an inletpipe (18) for receipt of a mixture of water, air andparticles simultaneously from several sources suchas dental surgeons etc. an outlet pipe (22) beingconnected to a suction motor (23), an upperchamber (2) being connected with a lower chamber(3) by a valve (17) in the bottom of the upperchamber (2), the lower chamber (3) normally beingclosed by a check valve (8) in the bottom, a three--wayvalve (24) located in an air connection pipe(20) being adapted to establis