Method for creating virtual direct current (DC) circuit of dental articulator, involves performing digital creation of adjustment and centering element virtually in computer, based on spatial position of calibration device
Es wird ein Verfahren zur Erstellung einer virtuellen Gleichschaltung von Artikulatoren vorgeschlagen. Dabei wird ein zweigeteiltes Justage- und Zentrierelement (5) verwendet, dessen räumlichen Daten für einem Computer (6) gespeichert sind.Das Verfahren ist bestimmt zur Gleichschaltung verschiedener Artikulatoren in der Zahnmedizin-Technik.The method involves placing a calibration device (1) with a reference marker (2) on a magnetic disk (4) of a scanner (3) for scanning process. The data set of an adjustment and centering element is delivered by the service provider. The data set of the calibrating device arranged on the magnetic disk and data set of the adjustment and centering element are combined together to perform digital creation of the adjustment and centering element virtually in a computer, based on the spatial position of the calibration device arranged on the magnetic disk.