A hydraulic rotary manifold has a core manifold having a barrel and arotatablespindle inserted in the barrel. The core manifold is common to a variety ofdifferentconfigurations involving removable spindle-mounted and barrel-mountedmanifolds, whichmay be removably mounted on the core manifold and exchanged for otherremovablemanifolds to provide different hydraulic fluid flow paths in the rotarymanifold using thecommon core manifold. The rotary manifold permits retrofitting a secondaryfluid flow pathto use a secondary fluid in conjunction with a work tool mounted on the rotarymanifold.The rotary manifold permits mounting a rotary position encoder on a barrel-side of therotary manifold permitting the use of the common core manifold when a rotarypositionencoder is desired. Electronically actuated cartridge valves may be integratedinto thecore manifold and/or removable manifolds to provide further customization ofthehydraulic fluid flow paths in the rotary manifold and/or to provide cross-overrelief pathswithin the rotary manifold itself.