Herein diAlosed is a Neorypkodism endophle (E34) used o inoculate lhe dislosed BE9301A gas plates and seeds In, the is present in . i. c.. l Wure or cLSdophyLe deposited wiUh Cont .. lbureau vee Schimrmeloultwes, P..Box 5167, 350R AD)Utrechl, The Nethrlnds (13eposit No. CBS L19998) on Jun. 27,2006underiheRudapesitTreaty Thisendophyle willb FIrrvcably and withosi resttion released CI the publhi upon Ohe issuance ofa parn. Therefore, this enadephyre is known, and readily avasileb Is o the puic . Ina onet example, thet disclosure provided end ophlyte depoejied a Cenra Ibtreau voor Selhitnmelcultsmee Deposit No: CBS OI998. This esndophyte an he used to form symbislec hest relationlp, l wth grat plsms. Alto disclosed herein install fescue variety known as breeds code BE9301A that contains the dophy l(E34) an, sdiffrcni frm all knownatictics of tall rescue plans. in Onteexniple. mature8E93OIA planis have aIaematuring dale (suchlaas earlyMay, for cxnmple May2), mash heightfrom aboul]'28 o b outd 37cmtall, have a high mst tolerance, have a high bacteriall l tolerSee, anLor tfe a high forage yie and persistence. BE9301A tall fescue plani leaves are softer han other tall fesc eBvinge ndophyes. i somec xam Ic, BE93IAplans havc increased periscaedcceplanscebycrattle comnparrd ioather tall freorus, tshe sterall fescue having endephytes.