Different technical machines and chemical processes are disclosed forhydrodynamic cavitationgeneration in large scales. A first machine is a device for magneticcavitation generation. A secondmachine is a device for cleaning applications with all relevant parts insidethe vacuum container. Athird machine is a cleaning machine with a vibration isolation sieve insidethe liquid. A fourth machineis a machine with cavitation generation plates inside the liquid. A fifthmachine is a laboratory andindustrial mixing machine for containers with standardized dimensions. A sixthmachine is a vibrationtable based cavitation generation machine with more than one plate insideliquid. A seventh machine isa vibration generation pipe with increased cavitation generation. A firstprocess is cavitation biodieselprocess. A second process is a cavitation polyester (PET) generating process.A third process is acavitation wastewater treatment process. A fourth process is cavitation oilsands extraction process.