[Problem] To provide a p.o. medicine administration device with which: medicine and a viscous medium are made portable by being held separately; and when taking the medicine orally, after covering the individual medicines, a drug-covering medium in which the covered medicines are combined with the viscous medium can be easily formed and given orally. [Solution] The p.o. medicine administration device (100) comprises an outlet-forming junction (106). The outlet-forming junction (106) comprises a first inclined junction section (106a) and a second inclined junction section (106b). The first inclined junction section (106a) and the second inclined junction section (106b) have mutually differing angles of inclination. The first inclined junction section (106a) has a more gradual angle of inclination than the second inclined junction section (106b). The first inclined junction section (106a) also is formed on the open end (104)-side of the second inclined junction section (106b). By forming the first inclined junction section (106a) and the second inclined junction section (106b) of differing angles of inclination to be contiguous, it is possible to stably discharge a viscous medium of a specified size from the outlet.一種藥劑類口服服藥裝置。其能夠將藥劑和黏性介質分別收納,攜帶方便,服藥時,在包覆單個藥劑的基礎上,能夠將被包覆後的單個藥劑與黏性介質進一步融合為一體,形成藥劑包覆介質。藥劑類口服服藥裝置(100)具有排出口形成接合部(106)。排出口形成接合部(106)具有第1傾斜接合部(106a)和第2傾斜接合部(106b)。第1傾斜接合部(106a)和第2傾斜接合部(106b)彼此的傾斜角度不同。和第2傾斜接合部(106b)相比,第1傾斜接合部(106a)的傾斜角度更為緩和。另外,第1傾斜接合部(106a)相對於第2傾斜接合部(106b)更靠進開端部(104)一側。通過將傾斜角度各不相同的第1傾斜接合部(106a)、第2傾斜接合部(106b)相連,從排出口流出的一定量的黏性介質可以平穩地排出。