A breeding system with monitoring aquatic animals in an aquarium function is disclosed. The breeding system includes a breeding apparatus, an image gathering unit and a processing unit. The breeding apparatus may detect and adjust parameter of Water Quality and volume of breeding. The image gathering unit gathers a real time image of the aquatic animals in the aquarium. The processing unit coupling with the breeding apparatus and the image gathering unit to transfer the parameter of Water Quality, the volume of breeding and the real time image of the aquatic animals in the aquarium to a remote apparatus. The processing unit also receives a control instruction from the remote apparatus to control the breeding apparatus to adjust the parameter of Water Quality and the volume of breeding.一種養殖系統,係用以監控一水族箱中之水中生物。養殖系統包括一養殖設備、一影像擷取單元以及一處理單元。養殖設備係用以感測和調整水族箱中之水質參數,以及感測和調整該水中生物之餵養飼料量。影像擷取單元可擷取該水族箱之即時動態影像。處理單元與養殖設備以及影像擷取單元耦接,用以將該水質參數、餵養飼料量以及即時動態影像傳送至一遠端裝置,以及接收從遠端裝置傳送出之控制指令,以依據此控制指令控制該養殖設備來調整水質參數和餵養飼料量。100‧‧‧養殖系統101‧‧‧餵食單元102‧‧‧溫度感測單元103‧‧‧加熱單元104‧‧‧影像擷取單元105‧‧‧傳輸單元106‧‧‧處理單元107‧‧‧顯示單元110‧‧‧養殖設備200‧‧‧連網裝置