A process of manufacture of a patient-specific replacement bracket (3)comprising the followingsteps: a) providing a 3D representation of the supramaxilla or submaxilla of apatient in the targetset-up with a reference plane (9) in a computer b) receiving a request tomanufacture areplacement bracket (3) for a tooth (5) of the supramaxilla or submaxilla c)defining a sector ofthe 3D representation of the supramaxilla or submaxilla which contains atleast a section of thetooth (5) for which the replacement bracket (3) is to be manufactured d)generating a marking(5MS) for the slot plane (3SE) in the sector by means of the reference plane(9) e) creating aphysical model of the sector with the marking (5MS) f) providing a bracketelement containingthe slot (3S), for example, a bracket body or a standard bracket (2) g)aligning said bracketelement (2) to the slot plane (3SE) and h) assigning an individualized pad tothe bracket element,whereby the replacement bracket (3) is manufactured.