One Seed can hang over the Flooding Move Installed on Wheels chairs outside and set, The Wheels chairs include a chair frame Installed set, two main Roll Wheels and two Auxiliary Roll Wheels, and it is to pacify Installed with can tearing From open set in The chair framves Installed that The Flooding Move Installed, which are set, and And includes:One Trucks framves Single members, a Hanging arms Single members, a hand handle Single members, a Flooding Move Wheels and a Move power Single members. The Trucks framves that The Trucks frame Single members are tiltedly extended by front stall towards Hou Shang Fang Pour with a front stall and one. The Hanging arm Single member Shi Fen Do Pivot connect below The Trucks framves Single members, and Ke Chai From Di An Installed are set in Yi Jia Installed. This Hair bright Flooding Move Installed set Ke An Installed on Wheels chairs, so that Wheels chairs can more ride instead of walk with Electricity Move, the use function , Yi Da of Trucks are to having the effect of Two Seed are using kenel.一種可外掛在輪椅上之驅動裝置,該輪椅包含一椅架裝置、二主滾輪,及二輔滾輪,而該驅動裝置是可拆離地安裝在該椅架裝置上,並包括:一車架單元、一懸臂單元、一手把單元、一驅動輪,及一動力單元。該車架單元具有一前座,及一由前座朝後上方傾斜延伸的車架。該懸臂單元是分別樞接在該車架單元下方,且可拆離地安裝在椅架裝置上。本發明之驅動裝置可安裝在輪椅上,使得輪椅更能兼具有電動代步車的使用功能,以達到具有兩種使用型態之功效。