The invention relates relates to medical engineering, in particular in the area of contaminated surgery and can be used to treat infected and purulent wounds and trophic ulcers. The problem addressed by the claimed invention is to improve the accuracy of maintaining a predetermined vacuum value in the field of wound area reduction treatment time, reduce the size and weight of the device. An apparatus for the treatment of infected and purulent wounds, comprising superposed on the wound surface fine-meshed sponge, a film for insulating and sealing the surgical field, the drainage system, equipped with a tube having one end connected to the sealed cavity of the operating field and the other - with a container for collecting the discharge of exudate connected a vacuum pump provided with an electric drive, the germicidal air filter, provided with a vacuum sensor, a microprocessor, an analog-digital converter element removed izheniya noise vacuum sensor noise and an audible buzzer, the entrance vacuum sensor through a capillary tube connected to a vacuum pump, a vacuum sensor output through an amplifier electrically connected to the element in reducing the noise of the vacuum sensor noise, the output of which is connected to the input of the analog-digital converter whose output is connected to the input of a microprocessor, which outputs are respectively connected to electrically operated vacuum pump with audible buzzer and a display.Полезная модель относится относится к медицинской технике, в частности в области гнойной хирургии и может быть использовано для лечения инфицированных и гнойных ран и трофических язв. Задача, на которую направлено заявленное изобретение, заключается в повышении точности поддержания заданного значения разряжения в зоне раневого поля, сокращения сроков лечения, снижения габаритов и веса устройства. Устройство для лечения инфицированных и гнойных ран, содержащее накладываемую на раневую поверхность мелкоячеистую губку, пленку для изолирования