Stretch release article comprising an elastic backing having a pressure sensitive adhesive on one side of the elastic backing and a bonding agent or joining element not formed from the pressure sensitive adhesive on the other side of the elastic backing And fasteners. The pattern of pressure sensitive adhesive on one side and the pattern of bonding agent or joining element on the other side do not substantially overlap when projected onto a common reference plane coplanar with the elastic backing. . Stretch release articles and fasteners can be used in a variety of applications, including pharmaceutical, industrial, and consumer products.弾性裏材の一方の面上に感圧性接着剤を有し、弾性裏材の他方の面上に感圧性接着剤からは形成されない接合剤又は接合要素を有する弾性裏材を備える、引き伸ばし剥離物品及びファスナ。一方の面上の感圧性接着剤のパターン及び他方の面上の接合剤又は接合要素のパターンは、弾性裏材と同一平面上の共通の基準面上に投射されるとき、実質的に重ならない。引き伸ばし剥離物品及びファスナは、医薬、工業、及び消費者製品を含む、様々な用途において使用され得る。