The compounds described in this document include: salt, solution, metabolite, Prof amp; Aacute; rmacs agent amp; eacute; these compounds are indeed acceptable, M amp; eacute; all compounds used to prepare these compounds; pharmacology and amp; eacute; including uticas; and M amp; eacute; of these compounds; All of these compounds are used to treat non humpback hepatitis and ampere; oacute; Lica and other diseases characterized by cure and ampere; oacute; tissue dysfunction and fibrosis; / P gt;<;p>;EN EL PRESENTE DOCUMENTO SE DESCRIBEN COMPUESTOS, QUE INCLUYEN SALES, SOLVATOS, METABOLITOS, PROFÁ;RMACOS FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES DE LOS MISMOS, MÉ;TODOS PARA PREPARAR TALES COMPUESTOS, COMPOSICIONES FARMACÉ;UTICAS QUE COMPRENDEN TALES COMPUESTOS Y MÉ;TODOS PARA USAR DICHOS COMPUESTOS PARA TRATAR LA ESTEATOHEPATITIS NO ALCOHÓ;LICA Y OTRAS ENFERMEDADES CARACTERIZADAS POR LA CURACIÓ;N DISFUNCIONAL DEL TEJIDO Y FIBROSIS.<;/p>;