Various systems and methods of operating an analyte measurement device is provided. The device has a display, user interface, processor, memory and user interface buttons. In one example, one of the methods can be achieved by measuring an analyte with the analyte measurement device; displaying a value representative of the analyte; prompting a user activate a test reminder; and activating the test reminder to remind a user to conduct a test measurement at a different time. Other methods and systems are also described and illustrated.提供操作分析物量測裝置的各種系統及方法。此裝置具有顯示螢幕、使用者介面、處理器、記憶體及使用者介面按鈕。在一實例中,其中一種方法可藉由下列方式達成:利用分析物量測裝置量測分析物;顯示代表分析物的值;提示使用者啟動測試提醒;及啟動測試提醒以提醒使用者在不同時間下進行測試量測。