The invention is a method consisting of stimulation of specific new acupuncture points to prevent, treat and heal specific types of neoplastic process in dogs and cats. The specific acupuncture points used in the method of the invention have not been previously disclosed for the treatment of neoplastic processes. The treatments can be carried out by accredited practitioners in a clinical setting or by a layperson. The stimulation can be provided by any of the known techniques used for stimulation of controlling points, including, but not limited to, traditional acupuncture needles, auto-injector needles, electric acupuncture, acupressure, lasers, acupuncture lasers, UV radiation, infra-red radiation, heat, magnets, moxibustion, and a combination of two or more of these techniques, for example, the use of both needles and laser acupuncture simultaneously in a single treatment session.