1. A set for use in a therapeutic method intradermal filling frame collagen in the connective tissue of the skin of the patient comprising at least one reservoir containing the collagen solution, at least one reservoir containing a neutralizing buffer solution, and a syringe suitable for intradermal injection of collagen solution and buffer solution, wherein the syringe needle has an outer diameter of 0.3 to 0.4 mm.2. Set according to claim. 1, wherein the syringe has at least two are designed as chambers separate reservoir which are in fluid communication with the placed in a syringe mixing device and the syringe needle, wherein the at least one first chamber is filled with collagen solution, and at least one separate it from the second chamber is filled with a neutralizing buffer rastvorom.3. Set according to claim. 2, wherein the mixing device is a static smesitel.4. Set according to claim. 1-3, wherein the pH value of the collagen solution (as applied to a temperature of 21 ° C) is 6 or menee.5. Set according to claim. 1-3, wherein the collagen solution has been obtained by acid extraction without the use of enzymatic activity of the collagen tissue, in particular from rat hvostov.6. Set according to one of claims 1-3, wherein the collagen solution, the liquid composition is gelled collagen, or both of them are beskletochnymi.7. Syringe for use in a therapeutic method intradermal filling frame collagen in the connective tissue of the skin of the patient, comprising at least two chambers formed in a separate reservoir which are in fluid communication with the syringe placed1. Набор для применения в терапевтическом способе внутрикожного восполнения коллагенового каркаса в соединительной ткани кожи пациента, включающий по меньшей мере один резервуар, содержащий раствор коллагена, по меньшей мере один резервуар, содержащий нейтрализующий буферный раствор, и шприц, пригодный для внутрикожного впрыскивания раствора коллагена и буферного раствора, причем игла шприца им