An improved method and device is provided for safe and efficient low powerdensity endoluminal treatment ofve-nous insufficiency. One such device emits pulsed or continuous energyradially through an optical fiber end with a conical shapedtip for 360° radial emission. In some embodiments, a conical reflectivesurface is distally spaced opposite to and faces the emittingtip for enhancing radial emission efficiency by reflecting out any designed orremnant forwardly transmitted energy in radialdirec-tions. Other devices include flat emitting faces sealed withinprotective, radiation transparent covers. Laser radiation is transmittedat a wavelength and power such that is it substantially entirely absorbedwithin the blood vessel wall to sufficiently damage theintravascular endothelium and, in turn, achieve blood vessel closure. Becausethe energy is substantially entirely absorbed within theblood vessel wall, the need for a local anesthetic along the treatment area ofthe blood vessel may be substantially avoided.