A process for the production of an article of frozen dessert, which contains a crunchy composition arranged in layers superimposed on its dough, which comprises the following steps: - a helical tape of a dairy product, based on cereals, based on vegetable, or fruit-based, continuously dosed through an outlet orifice of a dosing nozzle of a dairy product, cereal-based, vegetable-based, or fruit-based; - a layer of molten substance intended to form a crisp composition after cooling, is applied to the continuously formed helical tape from the beginning in which it was formed until the end of this dosage, by dosing through at least one hole outflow of the molten substance of said dosing nozzle; and - the helical layer of substance thus formed is trapped between the product of the first dairy, cereal-based, vegetable-based, or fruit-based tape, and a second helical tape of a dairy product, based on cereals, vegetable-based or fruit-based, by the concomitance and continuous distribution of the second product tape through a second outlet orifice of a second product of the dosing nozzle, such that said second tape is deposited on the helical layer of molten substance formed, simultaneously with the molten substance that comes into contact with the first helical tape formed.Un procedimiento para la producción de un artículo de postre helado, el cual contiene una composición crujiente dispuesta en capas superpuestas en su masa, el cual comprende los siguientes pasos: - una cinta helicoidal de un producto lácteo, a base de cereales, a base de vegetales, o a base de frutas, dosificado continuamente a través de un orificio de salida de una tobera dosificadora de un producto lácteo, a base de cereales, a base de vegetales, o a base de frutas; - una capa de substancia fundida prevista para que forme una composición crujiente después del enfriamiento, se aplica a la cinta helicoidal formada continuamente desde el principio en que se ha formado hasta el final de esta dosificación, m