A self-cleaning suction device has a users suction end that self-sanitizes externally and internally before and after use, as well as self-sanitizes internally during use. A cover opens to reveal the users suction end within a containment unit. As the cover opens, the suction end travels from a lower chamber, proceeds through a middle chamber of a sanitizing agent, and is presented for use. After suction is complete, the suction end retracts through an upper chamber with, a scraping feature that removes debris from the outer surface of the mouthpiece, and proceeds down through the middle chamber of a sanitizing agent and a scraping feature that removes debris and the sanitizing agent from the outer surface of the users suction end. Upon the sealing closure of the cover, the upper and middle chambers are flushed with a sanitizing agent, which is suctioned away along with any collected debris. The users suction end resides within a lower chamber and can be decontaminated by a UV-C light entering into the lower chamber and/or corresponding chambers. The suction device can also include a liquid-hydration delivery system.