Иванов Петр Владимирович,Севбитов Андрей Владимирович,Ачкасов Евгений Евгеньевич,Борисов Виталий Викторович,Митин Николай Евгеньевич,Кузнецова Мария Юрьевна,Куршев Владислав Викторович
A method of manufacturing a combined three-layer personal protective dental bus, including the production of tires for the full anatomical reprints of the upper and lower jaws of a polymeric structural material covering the upper jaw tooth row of the hard palate and vestibular ramps alveolar processes to transition folds of the vestibule of the mouth, the lower jaw - mounds and cutting edge of the teeth, characterized in that the imprint is cast plaster model and mark them boundary protective tire obtained model gypsum occludator position centric model of the upper jaw, together with a removable plinth area is removed from the articulator and accommodated in the apparatus to thermoforming under pressure of compressed air, picked sheet of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer and fix it in the apparatus, heated to the state of slack in the central portion to a depth of 12 to 20 mm, the heated plate is lowered onto the plaster model, a working model is removed and cut the first layer on the marked before the boundary to the inner surface of the manufactured wafer is applied an intermediate layer of polymer plastic with thickness from 1 to 4 mm depending on the purpose of the tire, in such a way that it does not reach the inner layer region, marked on the plate boundary 5mm working model with the inner and the intermediate a layer fixed in the articulator and the outer layer is formed with adhesive layers of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer around the perimeter of uniformly heating the tire from the tire antagonists dental articulator are brought together to overlap not more than 1/3 of the lower teeth, the edges of the tire being manufactured and grind nСпособ изготовления комбинированной трёхслойной индивидуальной защитной зубной шины, включающий изготовление шины по полным анатомическим оттискам верхней и нижней челюстей из полимерного конструкционного материала, покрывающего на верхней челюсти зубной ряд, часть твердого нёба и вестибулярные скаты альвеолярных отростков