The application of a system (12) is proposed for the acceleration of ions to treat Atrial Fibrillation (AF), arteriovenous malformations (AVMS) and focal epileptic lesions; this system (12) is composed of a pulsed ion source (1), a pre-accelerator (3) and one or more linear accelerators or linacs (5, 6, 7) operating at frequencies above 1 GHz with a repetition rate between 1 Hz and 500 Hz. The particle beam coming out of the complex (12) can vary in intensity (i), (acting on the ion source (1) ), (ii) in deposition depth (by independently adjusting the radiofrequency of the power sources that feed the linac accelerators units) and (iii) transversally with respect to the central beam direction (by varying the current in the coils of two orthogonal scanning magnets placed upstream of the patient). The possibility of adjusting in a few milliseconds and in three orthogonal directions, the location of each energy deposition in the body of the patient makes that system of accelerators (12) perfectly suited to irradiation of a beating heart.