Bright mention of this Hair promotees the Seed embedding methods and its Productivity object that Jin plants the raw Long of object and resistance pathogeny bacterium infection for a Seed, (the Jun Ni With film clothing Elixirs of Bacillus mycoides) Yu Hair ferment slot Zhong Pei Raising Hou Qu Pei Raising Hous mix Uniform into a mixed material to its characteristic Yu Department elder generation Will gill fungus Like Ya Bao Rod bacterium, under the low Warm of what, low Wet Du Strip parts, Will vegetables and fruits Seed are with The mixed materials Ji Fitness When addition Elixirs Jin rows embed, to obtain Bao Mai Seed with The bacterial strainsIn addition, the bright The gill fungus Like Ya Bao Rod bacterium bags that also provide of this Hair bury gained Seed, Ke Cu Jin Zhi Wu Sheng Long Chemotaxis Potential and resistance pathogeny bacterium infection.本發明提供一種促進植物生長及抵抗病源菌感染之種子包埋方法及其產物,其特徵在於係先將蕈狀芽孢桿菌(Bacillus mycoides)於發酵槽中培養後,取培養後之菌泥與膜衣劑混勻成一混合物料,於低溫、低濕度條件下,將蔬果之種子以該混合物料及適當添加劑進行包埋,以得到附有該菌株之包埋種子;另,本發明亦提供經蕈狀芽孢桿菌包埋所得之種子,可促進植物生長趨勢及抵抗病源菌感染。