< Topic >The mineral of the common cinerary urn eradicating image, it combines the interior of the room and with the dying/fleeing coming pet, the cinerary urn for the pet of the brightly pleasant kind of feeling which stays is offered.SolutionsRim of the cup condition cinerary urn itself and the said cup condition cinerary urn itself which on support base 1 it mounts or installs and it consists of with the cap condition outer cover body 3 which, covers the surrounding and the upper part in dome condition the said cap condition outer cover body 3 on one side aspect, provides the indicatory department 4 of the photograph and the like of the dying/fleeing coming pet at least.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】在来の骨壷の無機質なイメージを払拭して、部屋のインテリアを兼ね亡きペットと共に居るような明るく楽しい感覚のペット用骨壷を提供する。【解決手段】支持台1の上に載置もしくは設置したカップ状骨壷本体と、該カップ状骨壷本体の外周を囲みかつ上方をドーム状に覆うキャップ状外蓋体3とより成り、該キャップ状外蓋体3の少なくとも片側面に、亡きペットの写真等の表示部4を設ける。【選択図】図1