This invention, as in plant for otsuseointegureshiyon to the jawbone it has (1), in plant (1) the acceptance aperture (4) the interposition stem which can be interposed inside this connection section which it possesses (6) regards the denture system which it has (2). One shoulder (9) is formed at least in the interposition stem (6), the said shoulder extends to diameter direction at least partly vis-a-vis the longitudinal direction axis of the interposition stem. The acceptance aperture (4) it can provide one stopper (5) at least in the inner skin, the said stopper extends to diameter direction at least partly. The interposition stem (6) and in plant (1) at 1st rotary position between, be able to move to axial direction this connection section (2) vis-a-vis in plant (1), the interposition stem (6) just specified angle around longitudinal direction axis at the 2nd rotary position which turns vis-a-vis in plant (1), one shoulder (9) stopper (5) on back engages at least with axial direction vis-a-vis 1st rotary position, in plant (1) and this connection section (2) the movement of opposite axial direction between is obstructed with that.<; Choice figure >;Figure 5a