Pharmacodynamic synthesis includes (a) stearic amide, (b) clutch, (c) ligant, (d) lubricant and (e) diluent; for the treatment of sepsis, mucus, transplant response to recipients, recipient response, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus, or Two
Pharmaceutical composition comprising a disintegrant teriflunomide), b), c) a Binder, (d) and (e) a Solvent, lubricant and its use for the treatment of sepsis, Alegia,Graft versus Host Reaction, Reaction of host reactions Against The Graft recipient, Rheumatoid Arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, among others.Composición farmacéutica que comprende A)Teriflunomida, B) Un disgregante, C) Un ligante, D) Un lubricante y E) Un diluyente; y su uso para el tratamiento de la sepsis, alegia, reacciones del injerto frente al receptor, reacciones del receptor, reacciones del receptor frente al injerto, artritis reumatoide y lupus eritematoso sistémico, entre otros.