ABSTRACT Polychromatic Light Emitting Diodes with vacillating wattage and automated smart Lamp At present people use lamps of specific ratings but the light intensity remains the same irrespective of consumers need. Despite environment and timings, light intensity remains the same. The proposed system has multiple wattage provision in a single lamp. Starting from low to high wattage the user has options to switch between the wattages based on their need and day light conditions. Unnecessary constant light output is avoided and therefore energy can be saved hence the wattage is flexible through this operation. The colours of light play an important role in changing state of mind. The proposed system also has provisions to change the colour of the lamp. This is achieved Indifferent colours of LEDs in the system. Wireless technique is employed to control the functions of the system remotely. For payback, the system is profitable for the user because of the energy conserved by the system.