1. A pesticidal composition comprising a carboxamide compound represented by the formula (I): [Chem. 1] kotoroyRpredstavlyaet a hydrogen atom or a methyl group, iRpredstavlyaet a methyl group, a difluoromethyl group or trifluoromethyl group, and one or more carbamate compounds selected from the group (A) consisting of oxamyl, thiodicarb, carbosulfan, methiocarb and karbofurana.2. A pesticidal composition according to claim 1, wherein the weight ratio of the carboxamide compound to carbamate compound (s) is from 0.01 / 1 to 4/1 for the ratio carboxamide compound / neonicotinoid compound (I) .3. A pesticidal composition according to claim 1 or 2 wherein the carbamate compound is tiodikarb.4. A method of controlling pests comprising the step of treating a plant or soil where a plant grows with an effective amount of the carboxamide compound represented by the formula (I): [Chem. 2] kotoroyRpredstavlyaet a hydrogen atom or a methyl group, iRpredstavlyaet a methyl group, a difluoromethyl group or trifluoromethyl group, and one or more carbamate compounds selected from the group (A) consisting of oxamyl, thiodicarb, carbosulfan, methiocarb and karbofurana.5. A method for controlling pests according to claim 4, wherein the weight ratio of the carboxamide compound to carbamate compound (s) is from 0.01 / 1 to 4/1 for the ratio carboxamide compound / carbamate compound (I) .6. A method for controlling pests according to claim 4 or 5, wherein the compound is a carbamate tiodikarb.7. A method for controlling pests by1. Пестицидная композиция, содержащая карбоксамидное соединение, представленное формулой (I):[Хим. 1]в которойR1 представляет собой атом водорода или метильную группу, иR2 представляет собой метильную группу, дифторметильную группу или трифторметильную группу,и одно или несколько карбаматных соединений, выбранных из группы (А), состоящей из оксамила, тиодикарба, карбосульфана, метиокарба и карбофурана.2. Пестицидная композиция по п.1, где массовое отношение карбокс