Bimbas Evgeniya Sergeevna (RU),Бимбас Евгения Сергеевна (RU),Shishmareva Anastasiya Sergeevna (RU),Шишмарева Анастасия Сергеевна (RU),Kajem Visam (UA),Кайем Висам (UA),Klevakin Aleksej Yurevich (RU),К
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to orthodontics, and is applicable in treating frontal narrowing of upper jaw accompanied by convergence of roots of upper permanent incisors in children with nasal breathing disorder during early replaceable occlusion. Applying a fixed orthodontic apparatus equipped with a screw located along the middle line of the apparatus, with simultaneous fixation of the brackets and a gradual opening of the palatine suture. Screw fixed with the help of acrylic blocks provides a rate of expansion of a palatine suture of 0.25–0.5 mm every 5 days with fixation of 4 braces on permanent incisors of the upper jaw. Brackets are equipped with a section of nitinol arc of round cross-section with diameter of 0.016 inch, which comes out of slots of brackets on side cutters by 1.5–2 mm, with bends at the ends. Above the arc there is an elastic chain with a wide pitch, which after three weeks is replaced by an elastic chain with a middle pitch, and after three weeks - on an elastic chain with a short step, after completion of treatment apparatus and braces, consolidated between each other by metal ligature, are left in fixed position for 3–4 months. Treatment is accompanied by convergence of roots of upper permanent incisors, providing expansion of upper jaw and correcting position of roots of upper permanent cutters in early replaceable occlusion.EFFECT: method provides prolonged normalization of nasal breathing in children, which does not deteriorate over time.1 cl, 4 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортодонтии, и предназначено для применения при лечении фронтального сужения верхней челюсти, сопровождаемого конвергенцией корней верхних постоянных резцов у детей с нарушением носового дыхания в период раннего сменного прикуса. Осуществляют наложение несъемного ортодонтического аппарата, оснащенного винтом, расположенным по средней линии аппарата, с одновременной фиксацией брекетов и постепенным раскрытием