Each arterial bifurcation lesion has a fingerprint-like pattern related to varying amounts of plaque and degree of obstruction in the main vessel proximal to, within the bifurcation itself, and the distal limbs of the main branch and side branch(es) and related to the angle of the bifurcation. A new device and with it a new technique is described to optimize treatment of bifurcation (and trifurcation) lesions. The invention and related method use a catheter capable of delivering two or more guide wires exiting at the distal end of the catheter allowing treatment of lesions more safely and efficaciously. Safety is increased by allowing both guide wires to remain in place throughout the entire procedure. Efficacy is increased, particularly in the long-term, by providing a result that maximizes vessel coverage and normal flow dynamics in the entire bifurcation area. Contemplated is the use not only of multiple guide wires but also modified balloon with a tapered design to optimize flow dynamics at the bifurcation in the final result.